
Discovering The Vaccine For The “Cultural Appropriation” Mind Virus

Discovering The Vaccine For The “Cultural Appro...

J. Aaron Stanley

  When I was first working on Huapango de los Muertos, I was plagued with a nagging thought—not a fully-formed idea, mind you, but an impression left by a phrase...

Discovering The Vaccine For The “Cultural Appro...

J. Aaron Stanley

  When I was first working on Huapango de los Muertos, I was plagued with a nagging thought—not a fully-formed idea, mind you, but an impression left by a phrase...

A Grand Symphony of Cosmic Proportions

A Grand Symphony of Cosmic Proportions

J. Aaron Stanley

You, yes you, are a grand symphony of cosmic proportions, and I'm about to prove it to you with a simple thought experiment...

A Grand Symphony of Cosmic Proportions

J. Aaron Stanley

You, yes you, are a grand symphony of cosmic proportions, and I'm about to prove it to you with a simple thought experiment...